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Course Information

Personalised Guidance Every Step of the Way

Our highly qualified teachers help you achieve your goals with proven methods that guarantee results. We support students looking to both strengthen their foundations and improve their performance. Below are some of the courses we offer.

Word Collage

English Language

Weekly classes for VCE English Language

Our weekly classes cover all aspects of the English Language course.

Education Books Bookshelves

short courses

intensive holiday courses for English Skills, VCE & scholarship exams 

  • Head start for VCE 

  • Write with confidence 

  • NAPLAN preparation 

  • Scholarship entry preparation 

  • Select school entry preparation 

  • How to write an essay 

English Tutor

Year 7-10 English

Weekly classes to prepare for VCE

Our Preparation for VCE course aims to give students the best possible grounding in English skills to prepare them for work at VCE level. All of our classes for Years address the English curriculum as set by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and closely relate these skills to those required in the VCE. Classes will cover all of the skills required for VCE English, including: language analysis, presenting a point of view, the creative response, the comparative essay and the oral responses.

VCE English

Year 11 and 12 English weekly classes

Our year 11 & 12 classes run weekly throughout the year. 
Students in year 12 receive between 90- 120 minutes tuition per week and more in term 4.  
Classes cover all aspects of the VCE curriculum including: argument and language analysis; single text essays, comparative essay writing and writing the creative response.
Our classes are structured and easy to follow. Small class sizes mean that the teacher understands the capabilities of every student and can target areas where improvement or acceleration are required. 
Students receive extensive notes and examples of how to actually write responses. Our aim is to empower students to have confidence in their own abilities in English to that they can achieve the best possible results.

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